Kenya Met Lists Nairobi, Western Kenya Among Regions to Experience Heavy Rains for 7 Days

Picture depicting heavy rainfall an an insert of Kenya Met boss David Gikungu
Picture depicting heavy rainfall an an insert of Kenya Met boss David Gikungu
Kenya Met

Kenyans have been warned to brace for heavy rains for the next seven days after the meteorological department predicted downpours in several parts of the country.

Among regions set to experience heavy rainfall include the Central Highlands which encompasses Nairobi County, and Western Kenya.

Other regions are Northwestern Kenya, counties within the Rift Valley, the Coast regions, and the counties located in the North-eastern regions.

According to the Kenya Meteorological Department, the above regions are set to experience occasional heavy rains from May 21 to May 27.

Nairobi residents crossing a flooded road in the CBD (left) and floods in Parklands estate.
Nairobi residents crossing a flooded road in the CBD (left) and floods in Parklands estate.

"The regions may see occasional rainfall and Isolated heavy rainfall. Stay prepared and safe!” the meteorological department warned Kenyans.

Kenya Met also urged Kenyans to prepare for very high daytime temperatures and extremely cold nights for the next one week.

According to the weather department, daytime temperatures above 30°C are expected in most parts of the Coast, North-eastern, and North-western Kenya. 

Meanwhile, night-time temperatures are expected to drop below 10°C in some parts of the Central Highlands including Nairobi County. 

The announcement by Kenya Met comes amidst heavy rains currently being witnessed in several parts of Kenya.

Following the weather predictions, Kenyans were warned of potential floods in some areas and further possible landslides.

The predictions also come against the backdrop of an announcement by the weatherman of strong winds and cyclone Laly along the Kenyan coast.

In its May 21 advisory, Kenya Met warned of south-easterly winds at 10-30 knots on the coastal region with wave heights ranging from 1.5 to 3.6m. 

"Moderate to strong sea conditions. Small boats and crafts should avoid deep-sea areas," Kenya Met cautioned.

CS Kipchumba Murkomen visits a road cut off by floods.
CS Kipchumba Murkomen visits a road cut off by floods.
Kipchumba Murkomen