Charity Ngilu Reveals Role She Will Play In Raila's Swearing in

Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu on Saturday disclosed the role she would be playing in the swearing in of National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga as the People's President on Jamhuri day.

Speaking in Kitui during the burial of Kitui County Assembly Minority leader Jon Kisangau's father, she divulged that she would be a key speaker during the inauguration ceremony.

Governor Ngilu also called for President Uhuru Kenyatta to vacate office immediately for the former Prime minister to run the country.

Justifying her call, the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) Party leader stated that President Kenyatta lost the August election to Mr Odinga, rendering his presidency illegitimate.

[caption caption="Charity Ngilu and Raila Odinga"][/caption]

"We are firm that whoever lost the election should go home and whoever won should occupy statehouse and run the country. On December 12 the winner will no doubt be sworn into office," she explained.

She complained that she the stalemate in the country is widening because the Jubilee led regime took an oath of office yet they did not win the presidential election

"We know very well that the person who took the Bible and swore as President did not win the election this year, Kenyatta was defeated by Raila," she lamented.

Ms Ngilu argued that the former Prime Minister is the only man who is capable of taking Kenya forward.

She stated that many calls for peace were misguided as peace could not exist without justice.

[caption caption="Charity Ngilu and William Ruto"][/caption]

"Peace without food, peace in poverty, peace without children education, peace with women laboring for water, No. Keep that peace to yourself. God will help us all," she stated.