Ruto Disparages Uhuru's Economic Model

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta (right) and his successor, William Ruto (left).

Deputy President William Ruto went on rampage discrediting President Uhuru Kenyatta’s trickle-down economic model.

Ruto, who is a founding member of the ruling Jubilee Party, on Saturday, July 31 went ham on his boss impliedly referring to the trickle-down economic model as mediocre.

Using his twitter account, the DP stated that Kenyans had two options: Either choosing leaders like himself who were advocating for the bottom-up economic approach on keep on supporting leaders who are still stuck on the trickle-down economic model.

"We've the option of making peace with the mediocrity of leaders-centred, position/power sharing politics and the failed trickle down economics or up our game to the people-centred and bottom up model that deliberately focuses on labour intensive infrastructure/manufacture investments," the DP tweeted.

DP William Ruto hosted MPs & MCAs from Mt Kenya region on Saturday, June 3 at his Karen residence
DP William Ruto hosted MPs & MCAs from Mt Kenya region on Saturday, June 3 at his Karen residence

He added that the bottom-up economic model was focused on creating jobs, liberating enterprises from Shylock-credit exploitation and unfair regulation.

"The economy conversation is a must have if we have to salvage our present and liberate our future. Welcome to the new bottom-up conversation that will bury tribalism, patronage, cronyism and corruption," the DP added.

The DP's critics have continuously argued that he was part of the trickle-down economic model champions during the 2013 and 2017 General Election campaigns.

The trickle-down economic model adopted by the Jubilee administration resonates with Ruto’s bottom-up one as they both promise to eradicate poverty, grow the country’s GDP, improve the population’s purchasing power as well as address the ever escalating unemployment rate.

In a previous interview, the DP blamed his frustrations on the President's change of leadership soon after he was sworn in for the second term.

Ruto further noted that a number of projects he fronted during the earlier years of the Jubilee administration had been achieved, giving himself a 80% rating in delivery.

"What I would like us to focus on is: If we promised 10 things and we have fulfilled eight, had it been the KCPE exam and a candidate scored 8/10, then hasn't that candidate already passed the exam?" the DP posed.

DP William Ruto hosted MPs & MCAs from Mt Kenya region on Saturday, June 3 at his Karen residence
DP William Ruto hosted MPs & MCAs from Mt Kenya region on Saturday, June 3 at his Karen residence
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