Mathare MP On The Receiving End During Azimio Food Distribution Exercise

Chaos at a food drive held by ODM Party in Mathare on May 15, 2024
Chaos at a food drive held by the ODM Party in Mathare on May 15, 2024
ODM Party

Residents of Mathare, Nairobi County on Wednesday, May 15, gave Azimio leaders a hard time during the distribution of relief supplies to flood victims.

From the video footage of the event seen by, a section of the residents can be heard shouting and chanting as Azimio politicians tried to address the crowd.

Though some of the words were inaudible, the locals were chanting the area MP's name Anthony Oluoch. Some of them were holding placards to denounce the MP.

However, Nairobi Senator and ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna stepped in to calm down the crowd which was hell-bent on getting Oluoch's attention.

ODM Party leaders launching the disaster relief program on May 14, 2024
ODM Party leaders launching the disaster relief program on May 14, 2024
ODM Party

Sifuna emphasised that this was a food drive and therefore saw no need for the chaos or chanting. He asked the crowd to settle down and wait for 2027 when they could choose a different MP.

"No campaign or election is going on today. I humbly ask you to settle down and give the leaders some room," Sifuna stated.

At one point, the Senator was heard pinpointing some of the residents who were shouting and causing disruption at the event adding "Mtanipa nafasi, mwuheshimwa Oluoch tulieni, Unajua nawajua nyinyi wote, wewe mama nakuona" (Give me a chance..MP Oluoch settle down..I know all of you.. I can see you lady).

Luckily, the leaders managed to make their address and interact with the locals who had been heavily affected by floods.

Sifuna was joined by local leaders from Mathare, former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, Likoni MP Mishi Mboko, and others.

Azimio has led several food distribution exercises in the country after the heavy rainfall that has rendered hundreds homeless due to heavy flooding. The drives have been spearheaded by the party officials.

Notably, this is not the first case of a rowdy crowd distribution of Azimio events. In March 2023, police lobbed teargas at another rally Raila Odinga was addressing.

The chaos destroyed a podium erected in Githurai, Kiambu County. This was when the party had called for mass action to denounce the current regime.

Azimio La Umoja's podium in Githurai, Kiambu County, was reportedly destroyed by youth ahead of the Friday, March 17, 2023 rally.
Azimio La Umoja's podium in Githurai, Kiambu County, was reportedly destroyed by youth ahead of the Friday, March 17, 2023, rally.
Philip Etale