PSRA Begins Nationwide Crackdown on Unregistered Security Companies & Guards

A picture of security guards preparing for inspection during the launch of Guard Force Numbers (GFNs), March 30.

The Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) through the CEO Fazul Mahamed has revealed that it is conducting a nationwide crackdown to weed out unqualified security guards.

In a statement on Wednesday, May 29, PSRA disclosed that it was also conducting the operation to know employers who are hiring unqualified security guards.

"Our compliance and enforcement department is currently undertaking robust countrywide; assignment to assignment, door to door, client to client enforcement visits and field compliance operations."

"To ensure that all users and prospective users of private security services only engage security companies whose private security officers meet the statutory requirements of training, registration and are in possession of Guard Force Numbers,' read part of the statement.

PSRA CEO Fazul Mahamed holding a GFN during a meeting on Thursday February 22, 2024
PSRA CEO Fazul Mahamed holding a GFN during a meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2024

Mahamed noted that a Guard Force Number (GFN) was the only proof that a private security guard was duly trained, registered and licensed by the authority.

Anyone found guilty commits a crime is liable to conviction as per the Private Security Regulations Act.

According to the Act, anyone who employs an unregistered security guard commits an offence and upon conviction is liable to a Ksh500,000 fine.

Additionally, if the firm uses the services of an unregistered private security company commits an offence and should pay a Ksh2 million fine or imprisonment as specified by the court.

All private security companies that violate this guideline can also be deregistered and have their operating license cancelled in accordance with the act in addition to the stated fines.

In the statement, Mahamed informed all security guards to ensure they have a GFN and meet other set requirements before officially serving as a private security guard. He added that this was announced in a legal notice issued on November 2, 2023.

"The notice is still valid, in force and strictly requires all private security service providers to only employ, hire or otherwise engage private security officers who have undergone training, security vetting, are registered and in possession of GFN issued by the authority," he remarked.

In the past months, PSRA has introduced new guidelines to protect private security guards. The authority has proposed paying the guards Ksh30,000 monthly.   

PSRA Director General Fazul Mahamed speaking during a training and sensitization forum held at the Sarova Stanley Hotel on January 10, 2024.