Standard Newspaper Refuses to Publish Controversial Cartoon on NASA Leader Raila Odinga's Announcement

Illustrator Eric Jacob Ngammau alias "Gammz" on Friday shared a cartoon that was apparently rejected by The Standard newspaper editors.

The cartoon was themed around NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga’s call to his supporters to abstain from sex on the eve of the August 8 General Election.

The cartoon, which he captioned "The idea that got “rejected,” And the final cartoon…", depicted a domestic scenario where a husband and wife are engaged in a conversation.

The wife had circled the August 7 date on a calendar and her husband seemed to ask why it was so in a question: "What now? The Election date is 8th August?"

The wife's conversation bubble had a witty comeback in line with Raila's unusual request. She explained: "Oh yes dear...but no erection on 7th August!"

[caption caption="Illustration by Eric Jacob Ngammau alias "Gammz""][/caption]

The illustrator did not explain why the editors rejected it, however, suspicions are either they dismissed it on moral grounds or they did not want to appear to be endorsing the controversial call. 

Some may also argue that the cartoon was rejected over the use of the sexually connotative word “erection.”

Mr Odinga, while speaking during a rally in Homa Bay County, advised his supporters to desist from sexual intercourse on the eve of elections.

He stressed that couples should abstain so as to turn out in large numbers to vote on the following day, after which they would celebrate after sending Jubilee Party home.

Read More: Raila Declares No Sex on August 7th

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