Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho Defies Court Order

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has defied a court order after he demolished a perimeter wall surrounding the controversial Sh300 Million piece of land in Nyali.

The Governor moved to demolish the wall even though a Mombasa Court had instructed the County government from carrying out further demolition on the property.

County bulldozers roared to life on Saturday and started carrying out the demolition.

In September, The Mombasa Governor stormed Nyali Police Station demanding the release of 7 County Inspectorate officers who were arrested while carrying out demolitions.

[caption caption="Joho in a police station in September"][/caption][caption caption="Coast Regional Director Nelson Marwa and Governor Joho"][/caption]

He caused a scene forcing police officers at the station to detain him.

He was, however, released shortly later.

Governor Joho claimed that the structure was built on the grabbed land.

The Governor stated: "I have established that the Police Commander here and his officers here are simply trying to aid someone to grab public land."

He further noted that the National Land Commission's position on the said piece of land was that it was a public area that offers citizens access to the beach.

He has claimed that there are deliberate efforts being made to intimidate the County Government through the police.

The governor has announced that he will be going to court to get a clarification on issues of enforcement.

He accused the Police of working on orders from above.

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