7 Things Raila Odinga Should Apologise For After Dialogue with President Uhuru Kenyatta - Ekuru Aukot

Thirdway Alliance Party Leader Ekuru Aukot on Saturday issued a statement where he declared that NASA leader Raila Odinga should issue seven public apologies after his meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta in the interest of national unity.

In a statement seen by Kenyans.co.ke, the self-declared opposition leader applauded the decision by the two leaders to agree to work together terming it a step towards calming tensions following a drawn-out electioneering period.

"By their decision to work together, President Uhuru and Raila have breathed a sigh of relief, and demonstrated a lot of wisdom, maturity and statesmanship by burying the hatchet in order to forge a partnership more specifically to bring peace and order in our country," he stated.

[caption caption="Ekuru Aukot"][/caption]

He advised for the reconciliatory process to commence stating that the two leaders should acknowledge their past wrongs and issue public apologies to make the process sincere and sustainable.

The statement by the Thirdway Alliance reads in part:

1.  From NASA, a public apology to President Kenyatta for having orchestrated a politically, regionally and ethnically heated campaign that Uhuru’s government was illegitimate even after the Highest law in the land declared him as duly elected; this would restore our respect for democracy, the presidency, rule of law and in our institutions of governance including the Executive, Parliament and Judiciary.

2. A public apology from both coalitions to the IEBC for disparaging their work and in particular boycotting the repeat poll of 26th October 2017; this would restore confidence in IEBC going forward.

3. A public apology for their fallback position of impunity and more specifically to assure Kenyans that the two coalitions will respect of rule of law, the Judiciary and other institution of governance going forward.

4. A public apology to the People of Kenya for disrespecting their will as captured in the Constitution so much to the extent that one of the partners now, swore himself as a parallel president other than one contemplated in the Constitution. This apology would guarantee respect for the people and our Highest law in the land.

[caption caption="Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga"][/caption]

5. A public apology, more specifically to the families of all those who lost their lives during Jubilee and NASA’s political false narrative; we recall Kenyans who died during that time as a result of confrontational politics. To this extent, both NASA and Jubilee should lead in recognizing that those deaths occurred because of their confrontational politics. This would appease the families of the deceased, and they will find space in their hearts to forgive.

6. A public apology on the economic sabotage of some products that drive our economy today. We urge Hon. Raila to disband the #Resist campaign and call on his followers to join the Thirdway Alliance #Insist campaign calling on the government to deliver services to Kenyans.

7. Lastly, we implore on the NASA leader and in the spirit of reconciliation, to disband the so-called Peoples’ Assembly and to stand down as the Peoples President. This way, we can truly be comfortable that there is no card under the table; and to call on all our 47 Counties now to work together in the spirit of our Constitution that requires cooperation and consultations between the two levels of governments. This would ensure delivery of development projects to every part of Kenya.

Aukot noted that for the reconciliatory process to bear lasting peace, those who had been wronged had to practice forgiveness.

[caption caption="Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga"][/caption]

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