US Senator John Kennedy Bashed for Comment on Swahili During Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's Hearing

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy on Tuesday advised Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to change the social platform's user agreement from Swahili to a language which most Americans could understand.

The Republic legislator's comment during a five-hour-long senate hearing rubbed a section of Americans and the larger East African region the wrong way with many accusing him of being a racist.

"I am going to suggest to you that you go back home and you rewrite it and tell your lawyers, no disrespect, they're good, but tell them that you want it written in English and non-Swahili, so the average American can understand it," he told Zuckerberg during the hearing.

[caption caption="Reactions to US Senator Kennedy's post"][/caption]

"Clearly John Kennedy doesn't understand the state of data protection in Kenya," one user wrote.

Another stated: "Ahhhh yes, casual racism in congressional hearings. John Kennedy wants Facebook's user agreement to be written in "non-Swahili" completely disregarding people who speak Swahili."

[caption caption="Reactions to US Senator Kennedy's post"][/caption]

"Uhm "sen. John Kennedy" us Swahili speakers don't appreciate your unnecessary/borderline offensive comments," another user conveyed.

When CNN's Erin Burnett asked Senator Kennedy whether he should apologize for the Swahili reference the republican maintained:“There is nothing to apologize for. I think everyone understood the point I’m trying to make.”

During the hearing, Senator Kennedy criticized Zuckerberg responses terming them as being too rehearsed. 

"I don't want to regulate him. It’s the last thing I want to do, but by golly, I will vote to do it if he is not going to really sit down and be serious about this," Kennedy stated.

Following his hearing, media reports revealed that Zuckerberg had a cheat sheet which he used to give predetermined answers to the Senators' questions.

[caption caption="Louisiana Senator John Kennedy"][/caption]

An Associated Press photographer caught a photo of the Facebook CEO's notes, which he left open on his desk. Among the responses captured include one under a subtitle accountability.

“Founded Facebook. My decisions. I made mistakes. The big challenge, but we’ve solved problems before, going to solve this one. Already taking action,” the answer read.

[caption caption="Mark Zuckerberg's answer sheet"][/caption]