Nose Piercing: Different Types of Nose Rings & Their Meaning

Have you ever wondered why women and some men adorn nose piercing?

Well, we are the only species that consciously and deliberately alters its appearance.

It is believed that bodily expression can communicate things which words never can.

If you intending on getting a nose piercing, it is necessary to have some background information that will help you understand the whole process.

You should prepare yourself fully to face the challenges that come along with nose piercing since it makes a huge statement about you.

Also, ensure that you select the best jewelry that will not react with your skin. You can always change your jewelry to avoid the monotony of one look.

History of nose piercing

The tradition of wearing nose rings can be traced back to 44,000 BC in Australia, where the Aboriginal people wore crafted bone nose pieces through their nasal septums. They continued this form of adornment until recent times.

The Old Testament in the Bible also references nose rings several times.

Nose piercing later migrated towards India, whereby the 1500s it had become a part of the local way of life.

It wasn’t until the 20th century that nose rings as a form of jewelry came to the Western world.

Hippies who visited India in the 60s embraced this practice and brought it back with them to America. Later on, punk and Goth communities also adopted the practice.

Today, nose piercings are becoming mainstream as an increasing number of people take to wearing them.

To the West, wearing a nose-ring is often seen as somewhat rebellious. Like many other types of piercing, nose rings are often viewed in a negative light and frowned upon.

However, in other parts of the world, the nose ring holds a position of cultural and historical significance.

In some African countries, nose piercing was part of a rite of passage for teenagers.

Clearly, the meaning or significance of the nose ring varies from culture to culture.

Types of nose rings

1. Double nostril piercing

It is similar to the single nostril transfixing, only that you can make another hole for the second jewel in the crease of the nostril. You can put on studs, conk hoops, screws, and many more for jewels.

2.  Bridge piercing

You can classify it among the surface transfixing since the nose cartilage, or bone is not pierced Bridge transfixing is not a permanent process because you can allow the hole to close after you remove the jewelry.

3. Septum piercing

A septum is a part of the nose between the nostrils that divides the two nostrils. To make the transfix, you look for a small gap between the cartilage and the bottom of your nose. Septum transfix requires some specific jewelry such as bead rings, gauges, and barbells.

4. High nostril

It is much like the nostril transfixing, only that it is done on the upper part, above or below the crease. You can combine it with nostril transfix for a striking effect where you can put more than one jewel on your conk. However, the choice for jewel is limited, as you cannot put on rings and loops. A skilled piercer is required to do the transfix because the position is a little bit delicate.

5.  Nostril piercing

It is the most common method of nose transfixing. It involves making a single hole on either side of the nostril. Due to the position of the hole, Nostril transfix has a wide range of jewelry options such as nose piercing stud, loops, ball rings, conk rings, to mention a few. It is common in women due to its aesthetic appeal.

6. Austin bar piercing

It is similar to Nasallang piercing only that it does not pass through the septum. It uses a small and shorter bar compared to Nasallang piercing. The beads on either side look great especially if they are closer together as they pass through the tip of your nose.

7. Septril piercing

 This is a combination of the gauged septum and half-vertical tip. It is a very delicate transfixing style, and the transfixing process can be painful. Also, the transfix process can take a lot of time, but afterward you will have a look that you desire. Studs, plug, eyelet, or a tunnel will be great as far as jewelry is concerned.

8. Nasallang piercing

It is similar to septril piercing only that it is more complex than it appears from outside. Nasallang piercing is a straight barbell transfixing which passes through the septum from one side of the nose to the other. You can complete tri-nasal transfix with just a single needle.

9. Vertical tip piercing

Vertical tip transfixing is unique and very pretty. The piercer places one end of the bell under the center of the nose and the other end on the tip. This style of transfixing can accommodate curved barbell jewelry only.

10. Triple nostril transfix

This is a more adventurous transfixing style which involves making the third hole in your nostril. It is more delicate than single and double transfixing and therefore, skilled personnel is required.

Types of nose rings

There are numerous types of jewelry, which you can adapt for your piercings.

They come in different shapes and sizes.

The shapes make the jewelry easy to put them on or to remove it.

 1. L shaped nose rings

The l-shaped piercing ring is easy to snug leaving the L section hanging at a right angle inside your nose.

Also, they are relatively small and easy to insert.

They are available in different colors.

They fit well on the nostril piercing.

2. Nose Studs

You can call them nose bone.

 Nose studs have a short stem with a ball at the end that helps them to remain in position without falling off.

You will feel very comfortable when wearing studs that are easy to put on and remove.

 3. Retainers

It would be very painful to allow your pierced hole to close because you cannot put on jewelry to work.

 The main purpose of retainers is to maintain the pierced hole when you are not wearing any jewelry.

To make them unnoticeable, you can find a clear one or use the color that resembles your skin color.

4. Septum clickers

Septum clickers are the recent alternative to the traditional rings such as barbell rings and curved nose rings.

It consists of a straight bar that is inserted through the septum.

Septum clickers are very simple to wear and available in different colors.

5. Nose screws

Screw jewelry includes nose studs, nose twisters, and nose hooks.

They are short and hooked inserts, which you can screw in and bend on the right or left side depending on the pierced nostril.

It is the most commonly used jewelry because it suits almost all the styles of piercing.

 6. Hoops

Hoops are circular piercings that include seamless segment rings, closure rings, and captive bead rings.

Most hoops look great on nostrils piercings when they snag to the nose.

They have an open end that has a small flat disc which, rests inside the piercing.

They are available in a variety of colors that make them noticeable from far.

7. Captive bead king ring

 A captive bead king ring is similar to the hoop, only that the captive bead is completely circular.

They are somehow difficult to remove hence the name captive bead.

 They are worn in the septum region.

 8. Horseshoe barbell

Horse barbell resembles the hoop. The only difference is that it has removable beads at the ends.

The beads are available in a wide range of colors and shapes, such that you can change your look by changing the beads only.

 They are superb when worn on septum and nostril transfixing.

 9. Straight Barbell

You can replace the horseshoe barbell with a straight barbell.

It looks great on nose piercing men. One or both beads are removable, and you can put on different bead colors for a change.

They are suitable for Nasal transfixing because you can remove the beads on either side.

What does a nose piercing symbolize?

There are various symbolic reasons for nose piercing.

Here are some of the most commonly accepted meanings for nose rings:

1.    Beauty

Nose transfixing elevates one's beauty, as they look fashionable and attractive.

Most women among the Asian communities have their noses pierced before they marry to look desirable.

2.    Marriage

In some African communities, married women are not supposed to take off their rings to distinguish them from the unmarried girls.

This enables them to receive the necessary respect from other community members.

3.    Wealth

In some African communities, men use nose rings to show how much wealth they own. The bigger the ring, the wealthier you are.

How Painful is nose piercing?

Most people have mixed reactions on nose piercing pain.  Pain is relative, and it depends on how sensitive your skin tissue is.

You can check the sensitivity by pinching different areas you need to pierce.

For some, nose piercing pain can make their eyes watery while to others; it is just like a small pinch.

Generally, you will experience some pain during piercing and putting the jewelry on your freshly pierced nose.

You can make the pain bearable by listening to music or talking to someone for distraction. \

Which side should you have your nose pierced?

The side depends on a wide range of reasons such as the common side you use while you sleep, and if you sleep with palms all over your face, it is better to do the parallel transfixing.

Mostly women should pierce the left side because it is believed to ease pain during childbirth and menstrual cramps.

Men should, therefore, pierce the right side to distinguish them from women.

How long does it take for a nose piercing to heal fully?

Unless an infection occurs, your piercing on average heals within 4-6 months.

New piercings swell, and they feel tender.

You should avoid numbing sprays during piercing because they elongate the nose piercing healing period.

Allergic jewelry and poor hygiene can also make your piercing not to heal faster.

You should, therefore, take good care of your transfixing so that it can heal faster.





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