Anglican Bishops Extend Special Gesture To The Kenyan Gay Community

Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Bishops on Sunday welcomed gay worshippers to fellowship with them but held on to the principle of not officiating their marriages in church.

This came after the high court ruling that declined to repeal sections of the penal code that criminalized same-sex relationships.

According to reports by The Standard, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who spoke at a morning service at All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi, stated that the Anglican Church believes in the biblical definition of marriage and relationships.

He, however, explained that Christians should respect each other's differences in order to preserve God’s word.

“My own view of the Christian marriage is the traditional marriage (between a man and woman),’’ explained Welby.

Kenya’s ACK Archbishop, Jackson Ole Sapit who accompanied the Archbishop from London expounded on the queer move.

He disclosed that the church will keep its doors open to all sorts of people no matter their backgrounds quoting Romans 3:23 that says "all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory."

He nonetheless maintained that despite modernity, the church will stick to the teachings of the Bible.

“We cannot conduct same-sex marriages in our church as that will mean we are promoting it. Let them (the gay community) come and be preached to that what they are doing is wrong.”

In Sapits opinion, the church will serve as a ‘correctional facility’ for all persons involved in what is considered Biblically wrong and unconstitutional.

Sapit nevertheless maintained that having them walk down the aisle or ordain them is immoral.

He stated that on top of condemning ungodly vices and same-sex relationships, the church will do the same with corruption.

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