Janet Mbugua's Guest Gets Emotional Narrating Assault [VIDEO]

During Janet Mbugua's Here and Now show on NTV, a guest, who doubles up as a radio producer, got emotional while recounting her horrific rape ordeal that occurred back in 2017. 

Linah Kitala narrated that the day the incident happened was still very fresh in her mind.

"I still remember the day, the time, because it was my birthday month and I was very excited. I was heading home, a road that I had travelled for many years since I was a teenager," she divulged.

Ms Kitala went ahead and noted that she experienced a feeling that someone was walking behind her.

"Should I run? Should I walk towards the gate? I had walked that road with people behind me so many times that I brushed that feeling," she related.

While holding back her tears, Ms Kitala recalled that a few minutes before she got to the gate, the man jumped on her and she hit her head on the ground.

"I regained consciousness again and then he choked the life out of me, but yeah, it was not an interesting time, Sorry I'm getting emotional," she narrates as she let out a deep breath.

It is at this point that Janet jumped in and told Ms Kitala that she did not have to continue recounting the ordeal.

Janet was hosting two other ladies; Libby Ndambo, a musician and Wangu Kanja, a cancer survivor.

The three ladies discussed sexual violence, the justice system and the process of reporting a rape case. Ms Kitala explained that two years down the line, she was yet to receive justice.

"The only comfortable bit about going to the police station, and explaining what had happened to me, was having my family around and a female police officer. Every else regarding the case has not gone anywhere," she maintained.

Below is the video;

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