King Kaka Sparks Mixed Reactions With Latest Remarks

Kenyan rapper Kennedy Ombima alias King Kaka's Twitter post on Wednesday, January 8, raised mixed reactions as he appeared to campaign for his favourite candidate in the upcoming Law Society of Kenya (LSK) elections.

Kaka urged his followers to vote for city lawyer Nelson Havi as the president of the LSK for the 2020-2022 term in the society's often highly-contested elections.

Most people disagreed with the move by the musician claiming he was getting into a fight that he had nothing to do about as he was not eligible to vote in the bar association whose membership is drawn from all practising advocates in the country.

The rapper justified his support for the lawyer by stating that Havi had volunteered to represent him after Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru threated to sue him over the Wajinga Nyinyi song.

"Vote Vote Vote Nelson Havi," Kaka tweeted as a caption to the three-point agenda poster of Havi he had shared.

"Our resident Bobi Wine is now campaigning," Nyigi JK replied with a laughter emoji in a sarcastic undertone.

To which the rapper stated "He represented me when I was being sued by Waiguru. So he is my lawyer."

But some Kenyans were having none of it arguing that his explanation amounted to someone urging voters to support a political candidate solely because he had received a favour from them.

Other Kenyans on social media pointed out that the lawyer may have undercut his candidature by representing politicians accused of corruption in court. 

"Waititu Babayao's lawyer, always in court defending the corrupt," Ngumi wa Ikumi stated.

Another section of netizens was behind the lawyer showering him with praises saying that he would be the best man for the job and hoped he made it through. 

"Nelson Havi is a good lawyer please vote for him," stated one Mohammed Osman Mumin.

In 2019 LSK held elections to vote for a representative in the Judicial Service Commission which was won by former IPOA chair Macharia Njeru.

The controversial election saw lawyers removing the mandatory Higher Education Loans Board and Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) clearances for candidates seeking Law Society of Kenya (LSK) posts.

This was after the election was delayed following an application in court by Tom Ojienda challenging being blocked from running as KRA had claimed he did not possess a clearance certificate.

Below are some of the reactions to King Kaka's post;

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