Keep Your Wheelbarrow When Raila Visits - Narok MP

Raila Odinga at Homabay County during ordination of new Bishop
Raila Odinga at Homabay County during ordination of new Bishop

Narok North MP Richard Moitalel warned residents of the area against parading wheelbarrows in the town ahead of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's planned visit on Sunday, February 14.

"We don't want anyone causing chaos. If you have a motive, don't attend. So, if you have a wheelbarrow, hide it in your store. Soon as we are done, you can use it as you please," he warned.

Raila is set to visit CCI Rotian Narok North for Sunday prayer service after which he will visit the town. Narok elders have pleaded with the residents to maintain peace and calm during the visit.

Narok North MP Ritchard Moitalel Ole Kenta
Narok North MP Ritchard Moitalel Ole Kenta

"In Narok, we don't have Tangatanga or Kieleweke. We only have the Maasai and Kenyans, I urge all who intend to attend to maintain peace," added Moitalel.

He invited everyone to attend the rally praising the Maasai community as a people of integrity, respect, charisma, and peace warning anyone who may want to divide the residents with politics and misleading agendas.

A few weeks ago, unruly youth heckled at Raila in one of his rallies, something the MP said he did wish to witness in his area. The ODM party leader has been on the move seeking support for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) from various regions in the country, and even visiting churches.

So far, Kisumu, Siaya, and Homabay counties have passed the BBI Referandum Bill, with Baringo rejecting the document. This leaves Raila with 23 more counties to pursue to realise the threshold.

MCAs have been on the spot lately for rejecting the bill, attracting reprimands from their party leaders. Speaking during a recent meeting, the ODM party leader said he expected to win the remaining counties over before the end of the month.

File image of a wheelbarrow.
File image of a wheelbarrow.