Kenyans Worship Strange Tree 'Resembling' Mary Mother of Jesus [VIDEO]

Local tourists try to measure the circumference of the sacred Mutunguru tree in Mutunguruni Village in Chuka Igamba/Ngombe Constituency Tharaka-Nithi County by holding their hands around it.
Local tourists try to measure the circumference of the sacred Mutunguru tree in Mutunguruni Village in Chuka Igamba/Ngombe Constituency Tharaka-Nithi County by holding their hands around it.
Daily Nation

Residents of Mburi village in Kirinyaga County on Saturday, March 20, surrounded a tree they described as having image of the 'virgin Mary’.

The Christians believed that the tree resembled the image of Mary, saying that they hoped the area would be made a place of worship.

They also sought that the tree was not cut down as many people would travel to view it and pray.

Mary, also known as Saint Mary, Mary Mother of God or the Virgin Mary believed by Catholic christians to be the greatest of all Christian saints.

“As Christians, we would love it if the tree was not cut down and this area designated as a place of worship,” said Alice Wanjiru, one of the believers who had traveled to see the 

The residents surrounded the tree and broke into song and dance facing the tree which they had covered in clothing to honor it.

Kenyans are a peculiarly religious people and often read unproven mystery in natural events.

A community from the Kikuyu ethnic group in Kabete Sub County on March 2 went into a state of panic after a mugumo tree, considered sacred, fell due to natural causes.

To the community, the incident symbolizes an upcoming negative or positive event and is usually left to rot. 

In the event that it is cut down, another one is supposed to be planted at the same spot to avoid a curse.

The Kikuyu elders said the falling of the tree signified that the community was on the verge of losing a big person, urging them not to use the wood for any use whatsoever.

The Kenyan constitution allows freedom of religion highlighting that “every person has the right, either individually or in community with others, in public or in private, to manifest any religion or belief through worship, practice, teaching or observance, including observance of a day of worship.”

There are also other laws and policies prohibiting religious discrimination and ensuring the protection of religious freedom.

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