Atheist President Pressures Ruto to Adopt One Child Policy Amid Rising Unemployment

President William Ruto at the Africa Climate Summit 2023
President William Ruto speaking at the Africa Climate Summit 2023.
President William Ruto

The Atheists in Kenya Society President Harrison Mumia wants President William Ruto to adopt one child policy.

In a letter to newsrooms on Monday, Mumia argued that the policy would help the state manage the rising unemployment.

He observed that at least 75 per cent of the Kenyan population of 55 million people is aged below 35 years old with a high population of individuals born outside of the wedlock.

The Atheists President also claimed that the youth were facing the highest unemployment pressure which stood at 35 per cent.

Atheists in Kenya Chairman Harrison Mumia
A photo of Atheists in Kenya Chairman Harrison Mumia
Harrison Mumia

As a result, the society argued that the policy will ensure fewer future population good for the social and economic wellbeing of the societal fabric.

"We urge President Ruto ́s government to implement a one-child policy to control the population in Kenya. A once child policy will provide many advantages for future generations, both socially and economically," stated Mumia.

"A decrease in the Kenyan population will lead to less competition among citizens for jobs and unemployment will be alleviated."

Mumia further highlighted three more advantages of enforcing the policy noting that it will help in promoting family planning, holding population growth under control and raising the life quality of the Kenyan population.

"Too many births in Kenya is one reason why we are experiencing economic hardships and cultural backwardness. The population should be controlled to combat poverty in Kenya," he added.

The one-child policy is a government run polcy limiting families to only siring one child. China implemented the policy in 1976 but abolished it in 2016 after younger populations dropped marginally.

Kenya's Unemployment

As of April 2023, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) reported that the number of unemployed Kenyans had risen to 2.97 million individuals, an increase of 2.94 per cent from September 2022.

The report indicated that individuals aged below 29 years old were the highest hit by the joblessness. 1.54 million of the affected were aged between 20 and 29 years old.

The uptick in employment rate negates Ruto's promise to provide at least four million jobs for the youth after taking the reins. 

In his recent endeavors, the Head of State noted that his affordable housing project will provide both direct and indirect employment.

A photo of Kenyans queuing for a job interview
A photo of Kenyans queuing for a job interview
Kenya Pics