Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza Alleges Threats to Her Life During Impeachment Hearing

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza addresses Senators during her impeachment hearing on November 8, 2023.
Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza addresses Senators during her impeachment hearing on November 8, 2023.
Senator Moses Otieno Kajwang

Embattled Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has claimed that she has received numerous threats from her detractors who she alleged are keen on hounding her from office.

While addressing Senators during her impeachment motion hearing, Mwangaza stated that she has faced stiff opposition from some of the politicians in the county, making it difficult for her to govern.

Further, the governor defended her husband, Murega Baichu, who came to her aid and released a song, addressing Mwangaza's detractors. 

During the hearing, Meru County Assembly, lead counsel Muthomi Thiankolu, instructed Mwangaza to read out the song's lyrics, during which she was asked whether the song was directed towards a specific leader.

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"The last time she dined in Nairobi was during her last impeachment and that's what is making her enemies angrier. They want Kawira to refrain from doing Okolea programmes and instead go to Nairobi to dine with them, using taxpayers' money," Mwangaza quoted her husband's lyrics.

"Kawira has declined and insisted that her work is to serve the public. Let the jealous hang themselves, let the jealous hang themselves."

In response, Mwangaza claimed that no leader was targetted in the lyrics. She added that Baichu was justified to defend her amid the threats and constant persecution.

"It is true. He should come and defend the wife," she stated.

During the cross-examination, Thiankolu accused Mwangaza of employing her two sisters to senior positions, questioning their qualifications to hold such positions.

While defending her sister's attendance of key diplomatic events, Mwangaza explained in one instance, her schedule was caught up in between two meetings, one at State House and another at the Slovakian embassy in Nairobi, leading her to attend the State House meeting, at this point, she directed her sisters to attend the Embassy meeting.

She pointed out that it was not her intention for her sisters to attend the function but it was coincidental.

"I was invited to the embassy in Nairobi, Slovakian. While on my way, I was diverted to attend a function at State House. I was accompanied by the county secretary of Meru, personal assistant, bodyguard and driver. On the way, there was an urgent meeting, so I decided to attend the meeting first so I could join the team later," she added.

"The county secretary went to the embassy. After the meeting ended at State House, the meeting at the Embassy was also done, so I did not assign my sister any duty but it's just because I had travelled with them at the time."

She noted that her priority in the past year has been to serve the public with programmes such as the Okolea program, which caters to low-income earners in the county. She disputed the allegations of misusing taxpayers for foreign trips, explaining that she only travelled to South Korea once outside the country six months ago.

The Senators are set to vote on whether to save Mwangaza or uphold the resolution by the county assembly to remove her from office through impeachment. 

Murega Baichu and his wife Kawira Mwangaza posing for a photo
Murega Baichu and his wife Kawira Mwangaza posing for a photo
Meru County Government