DP Gachagua Issues Ultimatum to Chiefs & Sub Chiefs After Baragoi Attack

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at a church service in Baragoi December 3, 2023
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at a church service in Baragoi on December 3, 2023

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Sunday issued a stern warning to chiefs and their assistants after increased attacks in Baragoi, Samburu County.

Speaking during a church service, the DP detailed that the officials risk losing their jobs if more gunshots are heard in the region.

"There are only two options, either the chiefs or the gunshots leave Baragoi and since the guns do not have a mind of their own, the chiefs will have to go if chaos continue," he remarked.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at a church service in Baragoi on December 3, 2023
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at a church service in Baragoi on December 3, 2023

Gachagua opined that the local administrators knew where some of the culprits were hiding and the criminals possessing guns illegally. He asked them to forward their names.

"When I leave here today and hear the sounds of gunshots in your sublocation, these chiefs will go home," he warned.

The Second in Command also revealed plans to deploy more police officers from Nairobi to the area.

To further deal with the insecurity in the area, the DP announced that the government would provide more vehicles to law enforcement officers in the area to enhance their mobility as a means to address the insecurity issue in the region.

"I have directed the Inspector General of Police to prepare a vehicle for the Loruko police post," he remarked.

Gachagua also appealed to those in possession of illegal guns to surrender them to police officers before they are flushed out of their hiding spots. He reiterated that the government will stop at nothing to protect its citizens.

"You have no right to be holding a gun if you are not an officer, look for something else to help you while you herd cattle. We are a country governed by the law and we cannot let a few individuals terrorize the rest," he stated.

Away from insecurity, the DP unveiled plans to ensure the region benefits from reliable power supply after complaints from the residents. The DP promised all households in the region would be connected to electricity.

He also disclosed that the government had an agreement with a telecommunication company to ensure the region did not lack signal. Gachagua argued that a lack of quality communication signals derailed officers from responding to emergencies.

A gun-carrying bandit
An undated image of a gun-carrying bandit.
Photo: KDF
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