Govt Denies Plan to Handover 60,000 Hectares of Mau Forest to Dutch Company

A photo collage showing different sections of Mau Forest.
A photo collage showing different sections of Mau Forest.
Construction Today

The government, through the Kenya Forest Service (KFS), on Sunday clarified reports claiming that it handed over a section of Mau Forest Complex spanning 60,000 hectares to a foreign company. 

KFS, in a statement, noted that while it was partnering with a Dutch company to conserve South West Mau forest it would not hand over ownership of the natural resource to any private entity

It further remarked that the Dutch-based company had partnered with the government for over a decade to rehabilitate and conserve the water catchment area. 

“There are therefore no intentions by the government to cede ownership of any gazetted forest in Kenya to any other entity apart from that of the Government of Kenya,” the statement from KFS read in part. 

Aerial view of part of Mau Forest.
Aerial view of part of Mau Forest.
Info Nile

On how the foreign company was helping conserve the environment, KFS noted that it had constructed forest ranger outposts. 

The outposts assist in forest protection and community empowerment projects to reduce pressure on the forest.

“It (the company) has also been instrumental in assisting Community Forest Associations to develop Participatory Forest Management Plans (PFMP) to enable them to fully benefit from their conservation efforts,” KFS detailed the scope of the partnership. 

While the Dutch company was helping conserve Mau Forest through the aforementioned initiatives, KFS clarified that it should not be misconstrued to mean President William Ruto’s administration was handing over the management of the forest. 

According to KFS, President Ruto had already pronounced himself on the matter that no natural resource would be handed over to the private sector for management. 

Additionally, KFS noted that the Forest Conservation and Management Act of 2016 mandated the Service with conservation and management of all gazetted forest blocks. 

Speaking to company also clarified their role in Mau Forest Complex conservation.

“Our collaborative efforts entail working with the KFS towards sustainable solutions that benefit both people and the planet,” the company stated. 

Kenya Forestry Service officers during a tree planting exercise.
Kenya Forestry Service officers during a tree planting exercise.