City Hall To Spend Ksh.183 Million to Improve Public Relations

Nairobi City Hall will spend Ksh.183 Million in an attempt to shed the negative public perception towards it.

If approved by the County Executive Committee, the funds set aside in the 2015/2016 budget will be used for a culture change training of over 13,000 city hall employees.

The training will be carried out in three phases, the first phase focusing on top management, followed by a second 30 day phase of middle management then a third phase for all the remaining staff.

The training comes amid complaints of poor service delivery from city hall employees, absenteeism, indiscipline and claims of mistreatment of the public by the employees especially county askaris.

Corruption is also a problem area that will be targeted by the training. County officials were recently mentioned in corruption scandals in the country and are yet to be cleared by the EACC.

The official training dates have not been released.

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