Baringo County MCA Thomas Minito Arrested Over Burning of Mukutan Retreat Lodge at Laikipia Nature Conservancy

Baringo Member of County Assembly (MCA) Thomas Minito was Thursday arrested in connection with the burning of Mukutan Retreat Lodge in the Laikipia Nature Conservancy on Wednesday evening.

Minito was arrested in Kabarnet area of Baringo County and taken to the Central Police Station in Nakuru.

The MCA is accused of spreading hate speech leading to the burning of the luxury safari lodge owned by a white conservationist in Laikipia West.

On Wednesday, Minito was quoted criticising current security operations by Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and the police to push out illegal herders from private ranches and conservancies in Laikipia County.

He accused the officers of killing thousands of animals grazing on private lands owned by white farmers.

Later in the evening, illegal herdsmen believed to be from Baringo County forced themselves to the ranch and burnt down the property, which is owned by Kuki Gallman, a renowned Italian-born Kenyan conservationist.

Gallman’s daughter Sveva Makena linked the action to protests against the ongoing operation in the county.

Read Also: Illegal Herdsmen Burn Down Kuki Gallman's The Mukutan Retreat In Laikipia West

Mr Minito will be arraigned in court today. However, his lawyer Kipkemboi Sirma stated he was not sure of the charges that would be raised against the outspoken MCA.

[caption caption="Thomas Minito in handcuffs"][/caption]

[caption caption="Thomas Minito in a police vehicle"][/caption]


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