IMF Ranks Kenya 8th in Latest Survey of Population of Poor People

A new survey on the world's poor population has ranked Kenya at number eight with its East Africa neighbour, Tanzania, taking the number five position.

In Tanzania, 19.9 million people are said to be living below the poverty line, a number that accounts for 80 percent of the country's population.

Out of the 49.7 total population of Kenya, 14.7 million (29 percent) people are said to make up for the country's poor population. Kenya is also ranked at number six for the number of poor people among African countries.

Uganda was ranked at number ten in the world with about 14.2 million people categorised as poor within the State. The occurrence was attributed to the nation's slow-paced growth since it gained independence.

[caption caption="Children cross over garbage in a rush to get to school in one of Nairobi's slum areas"][/caption]

According to the survey, Nigeria was ranked at number one with about 87 million people (64 percent of the population) getting by on less than Ksh191 ($1) each day.

India was ranked as the second country with the highest number of poor people with 71.5 million people living on under a dollar a day.

The Democratic Republic of Congo came in at number three in the rankings with 60.9 of its 77 million population below the poverty line with only 40 percent of the country's population living in urban areas.

Ethiopia, Mozambique and Bangladesh also featured on the top ten list with 23.9 million, 17.8 million and 17 million poor people living in the nations respectively.

The survey that was based on households data gathered by International Monetary Funds’ World Economic Outlook ranked Nigeria as the number one country with the highest number of poor people.

Observations from the World Poverty Clock and compiled by Brookings Institute, indicate that there are more than 643 million people across the world living in extreme poverty.

[caption caption="Slum dwellings flattened following a tragic fire in one of Nairobi's populous slums"][/caption]

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