John Allan Namu

If you ask any Kenyan to name the top 5 investigative journalists of all time, chances are John Allan Namu will likely feature in the list.

Namu, the co-founder of Africa Uncensored - a media house that specialises in investigative journalism and impactful stories, recently celebrated the 8th anniversary of the stable he co-founded alongside his close friends.

Namu built his name at Standard Group where he, alongside Mohammed Ali, now Nyali MP, and Dennis Onsarigo did some impactful investigative stories.

These include Death in Ten Minutes which laid bare the intrigues surrounding the death of former Internal Security Minister George Saitoti and Wolves at Westgate which exposed how Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) looted from stores at the Westgate Mall in the middle of a terrorist attack and the confusion amongst Kenyan security agencies that led to officers from one unit shooting at an officer from a different agency.

After leaving Standard, Namu co-founded Africa Uncensored and has since maintained consistency in producing groundbreaking investigative pieces.

For instance, his piece The Profiteers exposing how South Sudan's top government officials and their families fuel conflict and plunder their country and come to enjoy their loot in Kenya won him the Global Investigative Journalists Network’s Global Shining Light Award.

In 2023, Namu produced and hosted Kenya's first true crime documentary series 'The Last Door'.

The series features eight episodes and sheds light on some of the infamous crimes perpetrated in Kenya. 

He has also been vocal on police brutality against the journalists covering Azimio's mass demonstrations. 

Namu graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, Journalism and Integrated Studies at the United States International University (USIU).