Micheni Ntiba.

Prof Ntiba is the current Chief Administrative Secretary for the State Law Office and Department of Justice.

He is an alumnus of University of Nairobi.

Professor Ntiba has been in the front line advocating for fish farming in the country, notably stating that fish farming is no longer sustainable but should rather be commercialized to allow farmers to make a living.

He has been an integral part of the conversation centered around Aquaculture and the Blue Economy as well as the opportunities and challenges that face the Blue Economy. 

Ntiba has been among the vocal voices calling for regional collaboration and sharing of experiences in not only harnessing but also sustainable use of the blue economy resources as a source of employment and economic growth.

Ntiba had also served as the Principal Secretary, State Department for University Education. 

He has been awarded the Doctor of Business (DBA) specializing in Fisheries Management (Honoris Causa) of Commonwealth University, Dubai.

Moreover, he is a fellow of the Commonwealth Academy of Leadership and Management (CALM) awarded by the University, United Kingdom. 

The Professor holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences and a Masters Degree in Hydrobiology from the University of Nairobi and a PhD in Fisheries Biology from the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom.