Stephen Oundo

Stephen Oundo is one of the leading architects in Kenya with many stories to his name as well as international recognition due to his extensive work in the construction industry.

The architect is widely regarded as a professional in academia and leadership, particularly in architecture, building, construction, and beyond.

In September this year, Oundo was elected President of the Commonwealth Architects Association (CAA).

Previously, he served as the Chairman of the National Construction Authority (NCA) before being elected to lead the 59-year-old body, a position attributed to his inspiring contributions to the sector.

Oundo attended Mang’u High School before earning a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Nairobi.

During his tenure as Chair of the Architectural Association of Kenya, Oundo achieved remarkable milestones, including spearheading the exemption of professionals from paying single business permit fees to the government after a decade of advocacy.

He also championed the elimination of financial proposals for consultants during the procurement of professional services.

Oundo was awarded the Order of the Golden Warrior by the President in recognition of his exemplary contributions to the architectural profession.

While serving as Chairperson of the NCA, he spearheaded a significant achievement that enabled the authority to employ its staff independently, ending the previous practice of relying on officials seconded by the Ministry of Lands.