Accident Survivor Tops Riara University Law School After Multiple Surgeries

Riara University Vice Chancellor, Prof Robert Gateru, poses for a photo with Deka Rashid Ibrahim at the institution’s 7th Commencement held on Friday, July 14, 2023. She was also awarded the Vice Chancellors Roll of Honour for top Law student of 2023.
Riara University Vice Chancellor, Prof Robert Gateru, poses for a photo with Deka Rashid Ibrahim at the institution’s 7th Commencement held on Friday, July 14, 2023. She was also awarded the Vice Chancellors Roll of Honour for top Law student of 2023.
Riara University

Deka Rashid Ibrahim was born for success, and that's not a hyperbole. She was among the cohort of students who graduated from Riara University during their 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14. 

From tragedy to the top of her law class, Deka is an embodiment of what humans can achieve when given support and shown the way. A passionate law student and a maverick who defied all odds to see her dream take flight.

Her success story was among the many that were highlighted at Riara's 7th Commencement: a beacon of hope for most of us, including the millions who are yet to be born.

Like many others in the room, I was overwhelmed with emotions as the Vice Chancellor, Prof Robert Gateru, narrated how Deka rose from a grisly road accident and conquered her law class. She was also awarded the Vice Chancellors Roll of Honour for emerging as the top Law student of the 2023 class. 

“Deka Rashid Ibrahim! This amazing lady survived a terrible road accident that required her to undergo several surgical interventions.

“She took many of her exams while in post-surgical recovery. She, however, passed all her units, and is today graduating as one of the top students in her cohort,” VC Prof Gateru stated, emphasizing that Riara University is a hub of brilliance and outstanding success stories achieved through hard work, support from staff, family and friends, and personal GRIT.

The tent came alive with an overwhelming and deafening cheer and applause. It was as if the collective admiration for Deka Rashid Ibrahim had taken on a life of its own.

Definitely, there is something unique about this Class of 2023, from overcoming many odds and challenges, such as COVID-19 disruptions, financial and family challenges, to adapting to digital and remote learning.

Brian Kiptoo Sang (right) delivered the Valedictorian speech during Riara University’s 7th Commencement held on Friday, July 14, 2023. He also received a Community Service Award.
Brian Kiptoo Sang (right) delivered the Valedictorian speech during Riara University’s 7th Commencement held on Friday, July 14, 2023. He also received a Community Service Award.
Riara University

The motivation behind the Class of 2023 being nicknamed the Mavericks was made clear through the valedictorian speech delivered by Brian Kiptoo Sang from the School of Journalism.

Sang is an orator and a gifted storyteller who took us through their four years at Riara with an eloquent and captivating speech, creating intricate tapestries of emotion and imagination. He captured our attention with his graciously picked words as his intonation matched his tonal variation. 

The graduates studied online in their first semesters, but being miles apart did not deter them from bonding. Immediately after the pandemic faded and face-to-face learning resumed, their passion, zeal and determination not only soared but also spurred them to chase after success.

“There’s truly some magic that happens when you embrace the unexpected and after all, life is a journey, not a destination.

“I know I speak for everyone when I say it’s been quite a journey. Some built businesses that will endure, some started their career and are graduating as seasoned professionals in their fields, some found their inner voice, some found love; and I’m not just talking about relationships, some actually got married,” Sang narrated as the audience burst into laughter.

Amidst the renewed silence, a graduand seated behind me captured my attention, awestruck by the news of her married colleagues.

Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University

“Aaaaw,” she passionately expressed, forcing a section of the audience near her to break into laughter once more. I turned my head towards her and she smiled, then adjusted her graduation cap. She hoped the marriages would stand the test of time as the Class of 2023 did.

Sang picked up where he left off, urging the graduates never to underestimate the power of laughter and finding joy in the little things in life.

“Some of the snippets I picked up along the way are; embrace the unexpected - you never know the magic on the other side. Some kidogo laughs here and there are moments that go a long way. Embrace your inner weirdness and dare to be different because the world needs more passion-driven individuals like you.

“But we live in very interesting times, where one can become a millionaire by simply doing this {Khaby Lame Gesture}. Recently on Instagram reels, I saw a video titled, day in the life of a 14-year-old Photographer and I was just amazed at the incredible era we live in. And if you look at some of my fellow graduands today; most of them are either already seasoned professionals in their fields or visionary founders of startups,” he stated.

Sang, works with the Riara University marketing team, an opportunity he landed after impressing the university with his talent and skills.

Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University

One peculiar trait of the Mavericks Class of 2023 that stands out is that their foundation is deeply rooted in creating opportunities rather than depending solely on traditional employment. That is what Riara University does. It brings forth their talents.

Mr. Daniel & Prof. Eddah Gachukia, the Founders of Riara Group of Schools and Riara University, while watching from home, emphasized the same. The Gachukias have impacted thousands of lives over decades after their dream came to a realization.

They encouraged the Mavericks Class of 2023 to create more jobs by opening more doors when windows close.

“May this be just the beginning of a remarkable journey filled with endless possibilities. Remember, the power to transform the world lies within you. Dream big, take risks, and embrace the extraordinary. Makofi to Riara University very own magnificent, marvelous and meritorious mavericks,” their message reverberated across the tent.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Robert Gateru, added that the last Tracer Study Riara University showed that about 93 per cent of its graduates have something to do within one year of graduation, with 85 per cent being engaged within six months, and 50 per cent before graduation. 

Graph illustration of Tracer Study conducted by Riara University
Graph illustration of Tracer Study conducted by Riara University
Adongo Kyalo

“In this regard, please note that University is not a place where you come to be prepared for everything you need in life (I will say that again, University is not a place where you come to be 100% prepared for life). Instead, the University is a place that equips you with the skills, tactics, and habits that help you realize your innate potential to conquer anything that you set your mind and heart to, and you have demonstrated that today.” 

He urged the graduates to be critical thinkers, innovators, problem solvers, team players, winners, reconcilers, peacemakers, and global citizens who respect diversity and the environment.

“Wherever you go, let me never hear a Riara University graduate say tunaomba serikali. Go out there, be the innovators, team players, and problem solvers. In Africa, we are blessed that we have so many problems waiting for graduates to solve. 

“Once you solve a problem, you do not need to market yourself,” he explains, setting an agenda that was discussed for nearly a week online, with reactions stemming from a newsbox. 

A quote box of Riara University’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Robert Gateru shared on social media platforms during the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023
A quote box of Riara University’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Robert Gateru shared on social media platforms during the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023

The VC lauded a few exemplary students with remarkable achievements. Among them was Elijah Cheruiyot Chepkwony, who developed a Smart Farm System that uses the Internet of Things, sensors and microcontrollers to help farmers track the weather.

Fatma Omar Salim -from the School of Computing Science also completed one of Africa's biggest boot camps, Cyber Girls, and graduated as an AWS/Azure Cloud Security Engineer. She currently works as an ethical hacker, security analyst, and technical trainer at iLabAfrica.

“Many students have secured jobs while on internship, including Ms. Sumaya Yusuf at the Network of African Science Academy; Nathaniel Kariuki, who was absorbed at the National Bank of Kenya; Tamara Donga also had an outstanding performance at internship and earned her employment at Kenya Tea Packers (KETEPA),” he proudly disclosed. 

The Chancellor, Dr. Wilfred David Kiboro, reiterated VC Gateru’s remarks, insisting that the corporate world is increasingly focusing on what graduates can do and who they are beyond the degree qualification. He encouraged the mavericks to challenge the status quo, dare, and defy all odds. 

A quote box of Riara University’s Chancellor Dr Wilfred Kiboro shared on social media platforms during the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023
A quote box of Riara University’s Chancellor Dr Wilfred Kiboro shared on social media platforms during the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023

“There is nothing wrong with employment, but let's change our mentality and create jobs. I am not discouraging you from finding employment, but because of the reality of the current world, let us change our mentality.

“In the face of adversity, you have been like projectiles on catapults; the more external forces pulled you back, the greater the force that launched you into your trajectories,” he emphasized.

He wrapped up by asking the graduates to follow their dreams, no matter how wild, and exercise courage to break barriers.

“There is no limit to what you can do to impact the world positively and the people around you. It all begins with a dream because dreams give you an aim; they connect your heart to the cause, resulting in the passion needed to launch you forward,” the Chancellor, a renowned and distinguished Career Leader and former Chief Executive Officer at the Nation Media Group, inspired.

He then proceeded to award Juma Kirubai Shabat, the 2023 Chancellor's Award, for putting Riara University on the map and enhancing the student experience.

Juma seized every opportunity to take on leadership roles within RU, serving as the Chairperson of the Red Cross Society, Clubs Chairperson, and ultimately the Student Council President. Under his leadership, successful charity activities were organized to raise funds for sanitary pads for girls in Mathare Slums and other areas.

Riara University’s Chancellor Dr Wilfred Kiboro (left) awards Juma Kirubai Shabat (right), the 2023 Chancellor's Award at the 7th Commencement held on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University’s Chancellor Dr Wilfred Kiboro (left) awards Juma Kirubai Shabat (right), the 2023 Chancellor's Award at the 7th Commencement held on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University

Brian Khavalaji from the School of Journalism was also awarded the Innovators’ Merit Award, Class of 2023. Khavalaji is an accomplished brand and social impact storyteller renowned for his ability to craft compelling communication messages for brands.

He has successfully published his works in prominent publications such as the Daily NationPeople Daily, and The Star, establishing himself as a respected voice in the industry.

The guest of honour, Dr. Faith Mwende Christopher, a Certified Investment and Financial Analyst, in her speech, highlighted that teamwork and adaptability are fundamental to success. However, she warns that success is not solely defined by reaching the summit. The journey itself shapes us and moulds us into the individuals we become.

“As we transition from the university to the professional world, we must embrace change and adjust our approaches accordingly. We need to be agile and react quickly to the shifting dynamics of the world around us.

Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University

“In a world where joblessness and economic turmoil prevail, I urge you not to be discouraged. Instead, be like the hummingbird, as our very own Professor Wangari Maathai mentioned. When things get tough, as I know they from time to time do, keep your eyes on the price,” she stated.

Despite Riara University celebrating the Mavericks Class of 2023, the prestigious institution also joined the world in mourning Prof Micere Githae Mugo, who passed away on Friday, June 30, at the age of 80 in New York, US.

Micere was a renowned playwright, author, activist, instructor and poet who served as a member of the Riara University Council. The audience observed a profound moment of silence, honouring her life and legacy.

Her spirit lives on, and I believe, as she rests peacefully, she would have been happy to see the Mavericks Class of 2023 receive their conferment and excellence awards. She would have smiled at seeing them recite the Alumni Pledge of Honour, to represent the spirit of Riara University.

She would have nodded to the enchanting voice of gospel artist Alice Kimanzi entertaining and motivating the graduates from Schools of Business, Communication, Computing Sciences, Education, International Relations and Diplomacy and Law.

Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University graduates at the institution’s 7th Commencement on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Riara University

I imagined how she would have reacted as the Administration Police band orchestrated a beautiful symphony of harmony and rhythm.

As the 7th Commencement ended, amid the crowd's cheers and applause, I left to pay my last respects to Prof Micere Mugo at a tree she planted in the university's garden. 

But first, I stood outside the tent and watched as parents and graduates were engulfed by joy, pride, and a touch of nostalgia. I watched with pride as parents embraced their daughters and sons, tears of joy trickling down their cheeks. Some broke into laughter while recalling how life forced them to embrace resilience and sacrifice.

I closed my eyes and saw Brian Sang, who delivered the valedictorian speech smiling on the podium, thanking the lectures and Riara University staff before he said one of the most powerful six words of the day.

“The Mavericks! We made it, guys.”