Motorist Pays Ksh1 After Fueling Ksh8,000 Then Speeds Off

The car which fled off after failing to pay Ksh8,000 fuel.
The car which fled off after failing to pay Ksh8,000 fuel.
Kiprono Ben

Police officers in Kericho County have initiated a manhunt for a motorist suspected of refuelling at a station and then fleeing without paying the bill.

A video clip from the station showed the driver and his passenger stopping to fuel at a petrol station in the Litein area of Kericho County.

The duo is seen engaging with the attendant after fueling their car with fuel valued at Ksh8,000 and proceeding to pay through a mobile money wallet.

As the attendant confirmed the payment through her mobile mobile, the two rushed into the white car and drove away.

Fueling at a petrol station in Kenya.
Fueling at a petrol station in Kenya.

Checking her message, the attendant saw that the two had only paid Ksh1, which prompted her to file a complaint with the police under the OB number, OB22/13/05/2024.

The incident occurred on Monday night at around 10:05 pm.

Cases of motorists speeding off at petrol stations in efforts to skip on the bill have been on the rise in the past year.

In March 2024, Sikika Safety CEO Daniel Kiilu explained to that three cases had been reported at different police stations in Nairobi.

The highest case in the year occurred along Thika Road where a motorist drove off without paying after ordering fuel worth Ksh13,000.

Some of the drivers had become sneaky by switching number plates on their vehicles when approaching a petrol station in an effort to escape CCTV scrutiny.

In the Thika Road incident, the investigations revealed that the plates the Toyota Harrier owner had installed belonged to a lorry.

"This is beginning to become a trend whereby motorists know they can get away with such and bypass cameras installed along the stations," Kiilu stated at the time.

A fuel pump at a Nairobi petrol station on July 14, 2021.
A Fuel pump at a Nairobi Petrol Station on July 14, 2021.
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