Fight Between Two Counties as Embu Accused of Releasing Effluent Into Kirinyaga Rivers

A farmer at Mwea Irrigation Scheme
A farmer at Mwea Irrigation Scheme in Kirinyaga County.
National Irrigation Authority

A fight is brewing in Mt Kenya Counties of Kirinyaga and Embu, with the latter being accused of releasing effluent and pollutants into Kirinyaga rivers. 

Kirinyaga Senator James Murango, on Wednesday, May 29, escalated the matter through a Senate Order Paper calling for the intervention of Environment Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya. 

Murango now wants the Embu leadership led by Governor Cecily Mbarire to explain why the county has persisted with the practice despite numerous complaints. 

Additionally, Murango seeks to know from CS Soipan Tuya what measures her ministry has taken to mitigate the practice. 

Kirinyaga Senator James Kamau Murango
Kirinyaga Senator James Kamau Murango
Kamau Murango

The legislator has alleged that Embu County has polluted the Rupingazi and Thiba rivers, among others, in Kirinyaga County. 

As such, the parliamentarian now states that this has led to damage and the loss of the marine biodiversity. 

“What steps is the Ministry taking to assess the extent of damage caused by chemicals discharged into the rivers, considering the huge and negative impact on people's health?” Murango asked in the order paper.

“What steps has the Ministry taken to eradicate or control the causes of rising pollution levels in rivers within Kirinyaga County to guarantee the safety of water consumed by residents?”

River Thiba is crucial in Kirinyaga County as it is the main source of water for the Mwea Irrigation Scheme. 

The irrigation scheme is one of the largest in the country, with over 20,000 acres depending on Thiba waters to grow paddy rice. 

Pollution of the river endangers the economic livelihoods of over 7,000 households that grow rice for sale as their primary source of income. 

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru and counterpart Mbarire are yet to provide a framework to settle the brewing conflict between the two counties. 

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire holding a meeting with officials from the National Cereals and Produce Board(NCPB) on August 30, 2023.
Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire holding a meeting with officials from the National Cereals and Produce Board(NCPB) on August 30, 2023.
Cecily Mbarire
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