Raila Supports Ban on Muguka in Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta

ODM leader Raila Odinga addressed residents at a past political rally.
ODM leader Raila Odinga addressed residents at a past political rally.
Raila Odinga

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) on Wednesday backed the decision by three County Governments at the Coast to ban the sale and distribution of muguka in their jurisdictions.

In a statement, ODM lauded governors Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir, Gideon Mung'aro and Andrew Mwadime for putting up a spirited fight to defend their youth.

"Governor Nassir has been courageous enough to follow the talk with action in making the bold move prohibiting the entry, transport, sale, and distribution of muguka within Mombasa County. Governor Gideon Mungaro (Kilifi) and Andrew Mwadime (Taita Taveta) have taken similar action," the statement said.

The opposition party faulted the government for being selective in its fight against the drug abuse menace in the country, claiming that it failed to show seriousness in the fight against muguka in the Coastal region while being firm in the fight against alcohol abuse in Mt. Kenya.

Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga with a section of Mombasa leaders.
Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga with a section of Mombasa leaders.
Raila Odinga

"We note with concern the silence of the so-called champions of a sober country, keen on fighting alcohol abuse in their political backyards but quiet when Muguka ravages the young people of the Coast," the letter signed by the ODM party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna read in part.

They complained that President William Ruto had polarized the country and politicised the war against the drug menace in Mombasa by attempting to countermand the decision taken by the three county governments.

ODM also condemned the weaponization of state agencies to harass and intimidate Governor Nassir and fellow county bosses, who are only looking out for those they represent. 

This is after unknown people raided Radio Rahma premises in Nyali, Mombasa, which is associated with the Nassir Family.

The Raila Odinga-led party also highlighted an incident where Mombasa county askaris were involved in a push and pull with drivers of trucks ferrying the banned commodity into the county.

President Ruto on Tuesday disclosed that he had engaged leaders of the counties to convene a meeting to agree on a way forward to solve the muguka stalemate after holding deliberations with leaders from Embu county.

The move to ban the stimulant has garnered support from a section of leaders, residents and the religious community in the Coastal region.

Orange Democratic Movement leaders addressed the press.
Orange Democratic Movement leaders addressed the press.
Raila Odinga
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