Al-Shabaab-Linked Suspect Sentenced to 30 Years in Jail

Al-Shabaab militants conduct military drills at a base in Somalia.
Al-Shabaab militants conduct military drills at a base in Somalia.

A suspect linked with the Al-Shabaab militia has been slapped with 30 years imprisonment after two and a half year trial in court.

The two-and-a-half-year intensive trial led to a series of determinations by the Busia court. The court established beyond a reasonable doubt concerning the evidence table that the suspect was involved in a terror plan.

The prosecution adduced evidence that convinced the court to issue such a judgment. The court cited that during the terror militia, the suspect was found with incriminating materials related to terror activities. 

“The suspect was compounded with mobile phones through which he accessed terrorism-related information via videos and chats from various telegram groups,” the DCI statement read in part.

The suspect was arrested in Siaya township on December 18, 2021, and charged with his involvement with terror groups among them Al-Shabab. 

A Court gavel used to command order during proceedings.
A Court gavel used to command order during proceedings.

The court after two and a half years of trial established beyond reasonable doubt that the evidence presented during proceedings was credible and consistent, thus reaching the threshold for conviction in the court of law.  

These jail term comes against the backdrop of subsequent operations rolled out by the state to ensure the safety of every Kenya. The head of state had pledged to restore peace and order in the country.   

Similar arrests and detainment have been previously reported. Recently, suspects were detained in April for over 21 days for allegedly running recruitment for Al-Shabab. The head of state had asked the nation to remain steadfast in efforts to restore peace and order in the country, devoid of any terror threat.

He committed to intensifying security operations in a meeting with top security officials in Narok in March. The stakeholder meeting sought to address the security situation in the country. 

The orders issued by a Mombasa Court determined that the two male suspects were to be apprehended to give room for further investigations. 

The prosecution believed that the two, one aged 27, and the other aged 21, were believed to be involved in terror recruitment. 

“They are suspected of having committed the offence of Recruiting of Members of a Terrorist Group contrary to Section 13 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act No. 30 of 2012,” the DCI stated. 

The two were also linked with a Somalia group where they were seasonally trained from the Al-Shabab. 

These arrests and detentions come even as the state is keen on developing proper mechanisms to curb terror-related groups to create a safe and secure environment for Kenyans devoid of any attack from the militia groups.  

An undated photo of members of the outlawed Al Shabaab sect.
Members of the outlawed Al Shabaab terror group in Mogadishu on May 19, 2021.
Council on Foreign Relations
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