The United Democratic Alliance (UDA), led by President William Ruto, is plunged into deeper turmoil as ousted Secretary General Cleophas Malala has initiated legal action against the party’s Chairperson, Cecily Mbarire. Malala’s move could set the stage for a protracted legal battle amid fierce internal strife within the ruling party.
The preemptive move made after Mbarire announced a meeting to iron out issues rocking the party, has resulted in the court directing Malala file the application be served within 14 days.
“Responses be filed and served within 14 days from the date of receipt of responses,” directed Justice Mugambi.
On Thursday, Malala sought an urgent court order to prevent Mbarire and the party’s National Executive Council (NEC) from proceeding with a scheduled meeting that could see him formally removed from his position.
The embattled Secretary General claimed that the meeting, set for Friday, August 2, violates UDA’s internal regulations and is an attempt to oust him for unjust reasons.
“The court should issue a temporary injunction restraining the NEC from removing me from office or interfering with my duties as Secretary General pending the court’s decision on this matter,” Malala’s court application read.
Malala’s legal challenge comes in response to recent developments within the party, including a dramatic standoff at UDA’s headquarters on Tuesday.
Joe Khalende, who has declared himself the new Secretary General, confronted Malala’s supporters, exacerbating the party’s internal conflict. This incident underscores the depth of the factionalism within UDA.
Mbarire had stated that the NEC meeting aims to address pressing internal issues, although specific resolutions are yet to be disclosed. The chairperson defended the meeting as a necessary step to resolve the party’s leadership challenges.
However, Malala argued that Mbarire’s authority to convene the NEC meeting is questionable. He contends that according to UDA’s constitution, only the Secretary General has the power to call such a meeting, not the Chairperson.
This dispute has led to allegations that Mbarire’s actions are not only unlawful but also part of a broader scheme to sideline him from the party’s leadership.
In a dramatic turn, the NEC announced on Friday morning that Hassan Omar, the party’s Vice Chairperson, will assume the role of Acting Secretary General. The announcement came as Malala's court application was still being processed, intensifying the legal and political stakes.
“The NEC has decided to appoint Hassan Omar as Acting Secretary General, effective immediately. Cleophas Malala’s position is hereby revoked,” the party's statement read.
As the court prepares for a mention on September 30, 2024, Malala’s legal team is pushing for immediate relief to prevent further action by the NEC. The case’s outcome will likely influence not only Malala’s future within UDA but also the broader dynamics of the party’s leadership.