In the early hours of Saturday morning, a devastating fire swept through Nairobi’s Toi Market in Kibera claiming the lives of four traders and leaving a trail of destruction.
Janet Watakila, a trader at Toi Market, narrowly escaped the inferno and recounted the harrowing moments leading up to the incident.
“I was in the company of the four who were burnt to death. I just thank God that I left in time because I could be among the deceased who were carried in sacks,” Watakila recalled, her voice trembling with emotion.
She disclosed that her husband alerted her and other traders of the fire incident and made his way to evacuate them but some traders could not make out in time.
“My husband called and told me we were getting burnt and I should leave. He came with a stick and started alerting us that fire was already close to us. I left and alerted my friends but they remained behind,” she narrated.
The blaze, which erupted before dawn, quickly consumed the market leaving behind a scene of charred ruins and grief-stricken survivors.
Witnesses reported that the deceased were traders who had been desperately trying to salvage their goods when they were overtaken by the flames.
Despite their efforts, the fire's ferocity proved too much, and they were unable to escape in time.
A leader from Toi Market estimated the financial impact of the fire at a minimum of Ksh800 million.
The devastation has also left 1,500 traders without their businesses, further compounding the tragedy.
As authorities investigate the cause of the fire, the community is grappling with the aftermath, mourning the loss of lives and livelihoods.
Leaders of the market’s associations have accused leaders of making big promises to provide them with financial support to restock their businesses but have failed to deliver.
Angry victims of the fire pelted Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja with stones after he made his way to the market to console the traders.