Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga visited businessman Jimi Wanjigi's home on Friday after the police laid siege at the residence after the agency linked the Safina Party leader to Thursday's anti-government protests.
Raila, who is known to be a close ally of Wanjigi was depicted making his way to the residence in a show of solidarity with the businessman who has accused the Kenya Kwanza government of persecuting him for constantly exposing its fiscal indiscipline.
The ODM party leader and Wanjigi go way back even before the Jubilee Government headed by former President Uhuru Kenyatta ascended into office.
Wanjigi is believed to have brokered the deal between Uhuru, Kenyatta and William Ruto that propelled the two in power in 2013.
The businessman is believed to have played a vital role in prevailing upon Raila to concede defeat after Uhuru was declared President-elect back in 2013.
It is presumed by many in the political circles that Wanjigi came up with the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) concept which he floated to senior politicians, which enabled him to hob-nob with the most powerful men in the land.
After Uhuru and Ruto ascended to power however, Wanjigi fell out with the two and warmed up to Raila.
While Raila has called a truce with President William Ruto, the businessman has been vocal criticising the government over unsustainable borrowing and failure to account for loans taken out from development partners.
Martha Karua Leaps to Wanjigi's Defence
This came even as NARC-Kenya Party leader Martha Karua was depicted confronting police officers outside the residence whom she accused of operating outside the law.
Karua had camped outside the residence accompanied by her deputy and the NARC-Kenya Secretary General.
The former Gichugu MP demanded the police to vacate from the premises because they had no legal permit to conduct any searches.
“What is happening is an illegality, police should never search and break into people’s home without warrant, unless it is something that endangers the public. There’s nothing they are asking Wanjigi. We have asked them to leave on behalf of the family,” Karua asserted.
“They have left the main house but they are still here outside his gate,” she told a journalist, adding that the family is not secure with the police’s presence because they terrorized them the whole night.