Police and KRA Officials Raid AfriCOG Offices in Lavington, Nairobi

Police and Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officials have attempted to raid offices of the Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG), an organization led by among others anti-corruption crusader John Githongo and activist Maina Kiai.

The police and the government officials claimed that the civil society body was operating illegally.

AfrCOG, however, declined to let the officers into their premises in Lavington, Nairobi, claiming that the warrants they had were fraudulent and most likely forged.'

The drama is still unfolding outside the AfriCOG offices.

According to Lawyer Harun Ndubi, an affidavit presented by the police and KRA officials had no heading and the orders it contains are not related to what they are requesting for.

“It is a forgery or careless work. It is shameful we can have this kind of action,” he said adding that he was called by AfriCOG Wednesday morning.

On Tuesday, the NGO Coordination Board ordered the immediate closure of AfriCOG and arrest of the organization's directors.

In a letter addressed to the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), the NGOs Board Executive Director Fazul Mahamed noted that AfriCOG was not registered under the NGOs Coordination Act 1990 as required by the law.

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