NASA Leader Raila Odinga Visits Jimmy Wanjigi After Police Raid

National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga visited controversial businessman Jimmy Wanjigi's home on Tuesday night following a raid by security officers on the premises.

Raila arrived at Wanjigi's Muthaiga home accompanied by two bodyguards.

Mr Odinga requested the law enforcement officers to leave the premises, accusing them of trespassing.

Other unconfirmed reports allege Raila was detained by the officers at the premises before being allowed to leave after meeting Jimmy Wanjigi and his father, Maina Wanjigi.

[caption caption="Jimmy Wanjigi"][/caption]

The officers from the Special Crimes Prevention Unit had been camped at Wanjigi's home armed with a court order.

They turned the house upside down in search of weapons, documents, and other material to facilitate investigations.

Video surfaced online of the officers using tools including sledgehammers to break down walls.

The court order also allowed them to do the same at Kwacha Group offices on General Mathenge Road and Caramel Restaurant in Westlands.

Wanjigi moved to court in the course of the day and obtained a court order barring the police officers from arresting him.

[caption caption="James Orengo pins the court order to the wall after being denied access"][/caption]

Siaya Senator James Orengo had earlier shown up to serve the officer in charge of the raid, but as he was unable to access him, resorted to pinning the order it on the wall outside.


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