Supreme Court Issues New Ruling on Uhuru's Case

Supreme Court Judge Isaac Lenaola has a dismissed a case in which two voters sought to overturn have the nullification of President Uhuru Kenyatta's victory in the August 8 election. 

Edward Onyancha and Jackson Ndegwa filed their petition two days before the Supreme Court delivered it's considered ruling that nullified the August presidential election.

They had claimed that the September 1 ruling was flawed and incompetent.

[caption caption="Supreme Court Judges (left to right): Njoki Ndung'u, DCJ Philomena Mwilu, CJ David Maraga, Jackton Ojwang' and Isaac Lenaola delivering the full judgement on NASA election petition"][/caption]

Justice Lenaola, however, ruled against them citing that the petitioners had violated the Constitution as well as Supreme Court rules as observed by the deputy registrar of the Supreme Court.

He noted that the petition was filed before the Supreme Court delivered its ruling which rendered it premature.

"The decision of the deputy registrar cannot be faulted," Justice Lenaola stated during the ruling.

The court also ruled against the petitioners on grounds that they had not participated in the initial case.

The two had not been listed as interested parties in the Raila Odinga versus Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and two others.

"The applicants are strangers to the petition which they seek to void.

"Unless they had been properly enjoined to it, their attempts to invalidate the petition cannot proceed," the Judge declared.

[caption caption="Justice Isaac Lenaola"][/caption]