Kenyans Take Issue With This Photo of Joho's Office

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho on Friday posted his photo while working in the office that caused Kenyans to notice just how clean it was contrary to the county.

The photo captioned: "Juma'a Karim" was well received by a number of online users, however, some took issue with how majestic his office looked.

"Can't Mombasa be as clean as your office Governor? You can't clean your house and leave the garbage at your doorstep," one user wrote.

[caption caption="Mombasa Governor Joho in his office"][/caption]

One user challenged: "Joho we need to talk, call a spade a spade, not a big spoon, clean the city I repeat clean the city."

"Lakini (but) Joho your county is dirty please, collect garbage acha side show mingi (stop these side shows)," another comment read.

[caption caption="Governor Joho having a meeting in his office"][/caption]

Another defended the Mombasa Governor noting: "People blaming Joho to clean the city as if he was there when themselves went to throw the dust, sometimes common sense should prevail."

Earlier on Tuesday, protests broke out in Mombasa as youth gave a two-week ultimatum to Governor Joho to clean up the city or vacate office.

The Mombasa youth took to the streets with placards written "Joho Must Go", blaming the Governor for poor leadership that had seen garbage collection plants within the county closed.

"Waste management in Mombasa has become a complex issue due to corruption and bad governorship," one protester, Alex Mwange, stated.

The youth also threatened to begin the process of removing Deputy Governor William Kingi from office should the garbage menace persist.

[caption caption="Some of the reactions"][/caption]

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