Results Used to Swear in Raila Were Fake - UK Expert

A British Scholar who is also a data and numerical forensic expert, Charles Hornsby, has released a new report showing that the results used to declare National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga as the People's President were fake.

In his report, Hornsby noted that the document released by Siaya Senator James Orengo showing that Odinga beat President Uhuru Kenyatta by more than 1.4 Million does not contain true and authentic August Presidential election results.

"IEBC may not be telling the truth, but NASA is definitely lying. Whether there is any genuine evidence that NASA won the election, but millions of Kenyans who honestly believed NASA’s claims had been done a deep disservice by this falsehood," he noted.

Citing the Narok County results, he explained that the overall results which NASA claim are authentic do not reflect the data of the county-wide turnout of 96.8 percent.

[caption caption="Raila Odinga taking the oath"][/caption]

"It is ridiculous, the analogy of the 98 % voter turn out on the results were fake, there are polling stations in the same county where candidates other than the top two all got zero votes.

"Again, we appear to have a 'he said, she said' problem of two competing realities, one of which is false. But which? However, a line-by-line perusal of the Narok results yielded new evidence sufficient to convince me that NASA's results are fake," he stated.

He indicated that the NASA's Narok results were a construct, not the organic result of an electoral process but created at least in part in a spreadsheet tool.

"I suspect we would find something similar in a number of other counties if we looked, knowing what to look for, but this is enough for me," he explained.

Hornsby also illustrated that in Turkana, NASA added 7,000 votes to their own total in the data stating: "These numbers aren’t in the detail file containing the polling station data."

"For their data to be genuine, 16,000 Turkana people would have had to queue and vote for Raila, but refuse to vote for Governor or for their MP, and another 20,000 would have had to vote for Jubilee in governor and MP but Raila in the presidency," he stated.

[caption caption="James Orengo"][/caption]

He provided a possible scenario that the Odinga-led team used a blank extract or a real copy of IEBC data and then modified in the data in some counties to make it appear that they won.

Nonetheless, he clarified that he does not work for any Kenyan and is not insinuating that the IEBC results were the correct ones.

"I believe that argument and counter-argument always takes us closer towards the truth. I have no brief from anyone and have been paid by no-one to do this; I just wanted to make sure that the truth was told, no matter what it turned out to be," Hornsby noted.

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