Samburu Village Where Men are Banned

Umoja Women Village in Samburu is a women-only village where men are banned from living and visiting.

The village which hosts over 70 women and 200 children was established in 1990.

It is majorly inhabited by female survivors of rape and sexual violence victims and others who are fleeing from female genital mutilation, early marriages and other forms violence against women.

[caption caption="File image of Samburu women"][/caption]

The women elders are said to have been able to legally own the entire village's land, securing them from being displaced.

It is well-guarded by a wall of thorns which enables them to run their own affairs without interference from men.

Umoja was formed following the patriarchal culture among the Samburu people which views women as property.

The women engage themselves in beading artworks which enables them to support themselves by selling crafts.

Despite constant resistance received from local male-run tribal groups, the village has managed to constantly grow.

In December 2017, more than 300 elders from Samburu Central Sub-County pledged to lead their community against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) after a public forum organized by one of the local NGOs.

According to Canadian High Commissioner, Serah Predenskey, who graced the event, the Samburu people needed information pertaining some of their harmful traditional practices.

[caption caption="File image of Samburu women weaving"][/caption]

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