EACC Report Reveals Who Pays Highest Bribes Between Men and Women

The 2016 Ethics and Corruption Survey released by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has revealed that women pay higher amounts in bribes than men.

According to the survey, the average amount paid by men stood at Ksh6,853 and the amount for women was Ksh8,618.

The startling statistics also showed a pattern where the higher the level of education, the higher the amount one was likely to give as a bribe.

Those with only informal education paid an average bribe of Ksh1,899 while those with post-graduate qualifications paid an average of Ksh27,416.

[caption caption="EACC Chairman Rtd. Archbishop Eliud Wabukala"][/caption]

Other socio-economic factors that seemed to affect the amount given as a bribe include occupation, religion, marital status, age and place of residence.

Retired citizens paid a staggering Ksh70,917 as a single bribe compared to Ksh1,876 paid by those employed by county governments.

Kenyans employed in the private sector gave an average of Ksh2,154 as a bribe compared to Ksh9,853 given by those employed in the national government and parastatals.

The survey also found that Muslims paid the highest average bribe amount at Ksh8,308 with their Christian counterparts paying Ksh6,259.

Married couples on average gave Ksh7,324 to access various services while the widowed and single persons paid Ksh1,915 and Ksh3,369 respectively.

Interestingly, those of ages between 18 and 24 paid more in bribes than those between the ages of 25 and 34. Those in their early 20s paid an average of Ksh9,758 while those in their early 30s gave Ksh3,393.

Those aged 55 and above paid the highest average bribe according to age groups at Ksh21,538. 

The report also ranked government ministries where the Interior and Coordination of Government ministry emerged the most corrupt.

Here is a tabulated summary of some services that attracted the highest bribes according to the report.

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