Why Kenyans are Unhappy with Uhuru's son, Jomo Kenyatta's Wedding on Sunday

Jomo Kenyatta, the first son of President Uhuru Kenyatta wed on Sunday in an invite-only event.

According to media reports, the ceremony observed high level of privacy with the press kept out and those attending were barred from having any cameras or phones with them.

Media reports indicated that Jomo married his long-time sweetheart Fiona Achola Ngobi in an elegant all-white ceremony held at State House on Sunday evening.

[caption caption="Jomo Kenyatta with Fiona Achola Ngobi in a past event"][/caption]

Reports that the wedding was held at Statehouse Nairobi have however made a section of Kenyans unhappy as they considered it "the People's House."

Weds at state house!!!!!Jesus..

— Amakanji Thomas (@AmakanjiThomas) April 9, 2018

— FLokI (@Kipkemboi_Ted) April 9, 2018 

— Elijah Odera (@oderaelis) April 9, 2018

— Kennedy Okongo (@KennedyOkongo2) April 9, 2018

— David Maluki (@DavidMaluki_5) April 9, 2018

Other users, however, congratulated the newly wedded couple and wished them well on taking their wedding vows.



— Samson Kyalo (@kyalosm) April 9, 2018

Wacha waoane

— Martin Darwesh (@Officialdarwesh) April 9, 2018

Achola is niece to Defence Cabinet Secretary (CS) Raychelle Omamo and granddaughter to the late former minister for Agriculture William Odongo Omamo.

She holds two Masters Degrees with sources indicating that she is an accountant at a local bank.

The couple held their traditional dowry and wedding ceremony in 2016 in Ichaweri, Gatundu - the first family's home village.

[caption caption="The couple during the traditional ceremony in Ichaweri"][/caption]

In November 2017, Achola and Kenyatta welcomed their first child at Agha Khan Hospital, baby Wanjiru, who was named after the first lady Margaret Kenyatta.