Kisumu County to Spend Millions to Buy MCA iPads

Kisumu County Assembly is set to buy all the 48 Members of County Assembly (MCAs) iPads in a move that seeks to see the county go paperless.

Besides, other assembly staff including the speaker and the clerks are set to receive iPads, a procurement that is said to amount to at least Ksh5 million.

The decision is a bid to have the MCAs carry documents and county assembly work home to make their service to the electorate efficient.

[caption caption="Kisumu County Assembly"][/caption]

Besides, the MCAs will use the iPads to access house business calendar, standing orders and order papers more conveniently.

Once purchased, the iPads will also help the legislators and assembly staff in accessing the internet and to undertake other official activities in their respective positions.

The county placed a tender notice in the Daily Nation dated May 4, 2018, inviting bids for the supply and delivery of the gadgets for the county assembly members.

The purchase was authorized by the Planning, ICT and Industrialization committee which is chaired by Kolwa Central MCA George Olwal.

"There is a need for the assembly to go paperless. We are also in the process of upgrading the Hansard," Olwal was quoted by one source.

According to James Were, a former Chairman of the Finance Committee, the county spent about Ksh5 million to purchase new iPads during the last parliament.

[caption caption="An iPad in use"][/caption]

However, only four former MCAs have returned the gadgets with residents having previously raised concerns about why the county had not reclaimed iPads from other MCAs who lost in the last general election.