Kenyan Couples to Pay Ksh1 Million to Watch Prince Harry's Wedding

Kenyan couples will part with Ksh1 Million for a chance to watch the live proceedings of the royal wedding between Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle scheduled for May 19, 2018.

The package deal offered by Samantha's Bridal in collaboration with other partners invites the couples to watch the event at the Windsor Golf Hotel & Country Club.

"Come dressed in your finest wedding guest attire and enjoy an English brunch by a seasoned English chef James Dennis. Fashion shows from leading bridal designers, flair bartending, champagne toast and live commentary throughout the ceremony.

"A romantic night for two with an exotic candlelight dinner and Champagne at Windsor Suite. A chopper ride to Mt Kenya where you can have breakfast as you watch the sunrise," the invitation read in part.

[caption caption="Poster for the Samantha's Bridal royal wedding experience"][/caption]

Samantha's Bridal booking office spoke to, confirming that the event had a limited capacity of 50. They were, however, hesitant to reveal how many slots were still available.

The wedding is set to be a highly formal event where guests will be required to adhere strictly to seating arrangments and refrain from taking pictures.

"A royal wedding is the only time that the Queen isn’t the last person to walk into a room — she has to wait for a bride.

"Once the Queen is there, guests will be on their best behaviour. Things like tweeting will be an absolute no-no," an analyst told the Cosmopolitan.

Award-winning The Lord Erroll gourmet restaurant is also offering a package to allow merrymakers a similar experience on the d-day.

"The Lord Erroll gourmet restaurant hosts High Tea to watch and celebrate the Royal Wedding," read the poster in part.

The restaurant conveyed that the event would cost Ksh6,000 per pair with a complimentary glass of wine.

[caption caption="Poster from The Lord Erroll restaurant"][/caption]