Uhuru Kenyatta's Swift Action After Fake P2 Contraceptives Drugs Discovery

Days after the nabbing of 31,000 pieces of fake "morning-after" pills estimated to be worth Ksh7 million, President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed Deputy Head of Public Service Wanyama Musiambu to lead efforts towards the eradication of counterfeits.

Uhuru equally charged Musiambu with leading the war on corruption, fake business stickers, dumping, illicit trade, and entry of fake goods through all ports of entry mainly through the port of Mombasa.

Reports indicate that the country loses Ksh 200 billion revenue annually at the moment as a result of illicit trade.

[caption caption="President Uhuru Kenyatta"][/caption]

The Head of State indicated that the amount lost through counterfeit products can find a better use in finance some projects under the Big Four.

Uhuru further indicated that the private sector and the government need to join hands to come up with practical solutions geared at increasing the country’s manufacturing base so as to create jobs for the youth.

Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary (CS) Adan Mohamed noted that the confiscated 31,000 pairs of fake P2 contraceptives would have posed a great danger to the health and lives of thousands of Kenyans.

Also nabbed alongside the consignment of the fake emergency contraceptive (P2) were counterfeit 51 designer purses and 4,000 electronics worth up to Ksh25 million.

Most of the products that were confiscated were said to have originated from China through the port of Dubai.

Musiambu is a former Rift Valley Regional Coordinator before he was appointed by the president as the deputy to the head of public service.

[caption caption="President Uhuru Kenyatta"][/caption]

During his tenure as the Regional Coordinator, he was instrumental in dealing with the security situation in Rift Valley region.

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