Ford Kenya Asks Raila to Keep Off Luhya Politics

NASA leader Raila Odinga has opened a new war front with leaders from Western Kenya after he dismissed a move by NASA co-principals as mere tribal jabs at the country's top leadership.

Mr Odinga during the weekend criticized a push for unity by Ford Kenya party leader Moses Wetangula and Amani National Congress's (ANC) Musalia Mudavadi terming it as selfish and stray from the fight against ethnic politics.

"There are politicians spearheading tribal politics by calling for the unity of some regions. This is cheap politics that will not help the country move forward,” Mr Odinga countered the ANC and Ford Kenya move while in Busia during the weekend.

Ford Kenya deputy party leader Boni Khalwale has reiterated to the criticism and asked Mr Odinga to keep off the matter as it does not concern Luo Nyanza but remains a purely Luhya leaders affair.

[caption caption="Western leaders receive Raila Odinga at a rally in Bungoma in 2017"][/caption]

The former Kakamega Senator who had enjoyed good relations with Mr Odinga until the Harambee House surprise unity deal with President Uhuru Kenyatta told off Mr Odinga over disparaging the formation of a Wetangula-Mudavadi united front. 

In his remarks, Khalwale wondered why the ODM party leader comfortably enjoyed the backing of his united backyard but faults an effort to have the two parties merge in a bid to bring together the region's communities.

"Please stop poking into our affairs. It might help if u remembered that we are not an extension of your community. If it is good for the Luos to be united as they are behind you, what is wrong with the Abaluhyia uniting behind their own? Respect begets respect," reacted Khalwale in a statement on Monday.

Ford Kenya party has had it rough with the Odinga led camp after ODM elected leaders staged a successful Senator Wetangula ouster from the Senate Minority leader's post and replacing him with Siaya Senator James Orengo

Senator Wetangula, in turn, accused Mr Odinga of being behind the ploy of saying only what has his approval gets implemented by the ODM party. Partly, this bread a possible NASA breakaway with ANC and Ford Kenya crying foul in the sharing of parliamentary positions and being left in the dark to the wake of the handshake.

Khalwale, on the other hand, toned down his support for Mr Odinga after the move to work with the government without having consulted opposition party leaders. 

[caption caption="Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula dance at a NASA rally "][/caption]

He accused Mr Odinga of having betrayed the region that has consistently offered him overwhelming support during elections. 

Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya who doubles up as Mr Odinga's deputy has declared an interest in the 2022 seat joining a list of the region's leaders as Sports CS Rashid Echesa who demanded that he endorses their candidate for the presidency in 2022.

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