Uhuru Dared to Fire Top Government Officials Around Him

President Uhuru Kenyatta issued title deeds to residents of Nairobi's Eastlands area and moments after his fiery speech on corruption, activist Boniface Mwangi dared him to start the clear out with top government officials.

Through his Twitter account, the activist laughed off the Head of State's remarks that there will be no mercy for thieves and their days are numbered.

"We know @UKenyatta you are going to sacrifice small thieves and the big thieves will not be touched.

"If you’re really serious, fire all big thieves, have them prosecuted, protect and reward witnesses & whistleblowers! Anything short of that is just PR," wrote Mwangi.

[caption caption="Boniface Mwangi"][/caption]

President Kenyatta had vowed to leave no stone unturned in his quest to recover the money that has been lost through various scandals that have rocked the country.

"Ndipo tumesema wale watu watacheza na mali ya wananchi wajue siku zao zimehesabiwa. Kutoka sasa hatutaki kuskia mtu akijitetea kupitia kabila yake... wewe ni mwizi, hakuna story ingine (That is why I'm stating here those who play around with public funds have their days numbered. From now we do not want to hear anyone hiding behind his tribe... you are a thief)," President Kenyatta stated.

His remarks were received with cheers from the crowd where he issued 50,000 title deeds to landowners from Dandora, Tassia, Kayole, Umoja, Buru Buru and Kariobangi, among other areas.

Kenyatta's legacy has been tainted by several cases of graft, key among them being the Ksh9 billion National Youth Service (NYS) scandal.

Suspended PS Lillian Omollo and NYS boss Richard Ndubai will remain in police custody as they await the court’s ruling on whether they will be released on bail or not on June 6.

This was the court’s ruling on Tuesday night for all the 33 suspects despite defence lawyers arguing that their clients did not pose any risk to witnesses in the ongoing NYS corruption case.

[caption caption="President Uhuru Kenyatta in Jacaranda Estate"][/caption]

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