Details of Polygraph Test Ordered by President Uhuru on Government Officials

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday ordered a mandatory polygraph test for all government heads of procurement and accounts in the various ministries.

The measure, President Kenyatta explained, would be an initial step to tackle corruption and vet the officials afresh to identify those fit to serve in the government.

A polygraph test is commonly referred to as a lie detector test which functions to detect any bodily responses that may indicate a person is lying or telling the truth.

The polygraph machine detects changes in pulse rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and skin conductivity on an individual to tell whether the person is being truthful.

[caption caption="A polygraph machine"][/caption]

An individual is asked questions that are related, unrelated or control questions in order to establish a score based on the physiological responses that will determine whether the person was truthful or dishonest.

The tool is conventionally used by law enforcement officer as an interrogation tool for suspects in a criminal case to aid in investigations.

The biggest users of the tool are law enforcers in the United States of America (USA) with a great use of the implement for examining sex offenders. 

With its heavy reliance on the physiological responses to stimuli, the polygraph test has been "cheated" by various individuals in the past.

Some individuals have argued that confidence and generally keeping aspects such as breathing and heart rate at a constant.

Others have argued that pricking oneself with a sharp object will ensure that all physiological responses shift only slightly when relevant questions are asked.

President Kenyatta instituted the edict during his Madaraka Day address at the 55th annual celebrations that were held at the Kinoru Stadium, Meru County on June 1.

[caption caption="President Kenyatta arrives at Kinoru Stadium, Meru County, for the 55th Madaraka Day celebrations "][/caption]

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