Mombasa County Begins Exercise to Rid City of Beggars

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has declared war against beggars found within the coastal city's central business district.

In an exercise that kicked off on Monday, county inspectorate officers rounded up 50 beggars within the city.

County Inspectorate Director Mohammed Amir explained that the beggars, most of who are people living with disabilities, were endangering their lives by being on the street.

"Just last week one of them was hit by a car as he was begging. We do not want this to happen to another one.

[caption caption="A number of beggars during a past operation in Nairobi"][/caption]

"We are going to take them away from the streets and look for safer homes where they will be kept

"We have special orders from the governor who wants them removed. We are not doing this in bad faith but to help them so that they can also look after their families like any other," he explained.

The Monday operation saw beggars arrested at Makadara grounds, Saba Saba, Buxton, Digo Road and surrounding areas.

A similar exercise carried out in the county in 2017 had top county officials involved, however, the beggars and street families returned.

One of the beggars who spoke to Daily Nation lamented that the county administration had abandoned them only to come and arrest them again.

"I am not here because I want to. I used to work at the Bombolulu workshop, but just go there and see if the workshop is still operating.

"The county has abandoned us then they are coming to take us from the streets. How are we going to fend for ourselves and our families?" Susan Kadzo posed.

[caption caption="Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho during a past presser"][/caption]

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