Social Media Accounts, Bank Statements Required for Fresh Vetting of Procurement Officers

Heads of Procurement and Accounting Units of all ministries who were sent on compulsory leave by President Uhuru Kenyatta have until the 8th of June to submit their details for vetting.

According to a circular by the Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua the officers have until Friday 5pm to deliver their documents in sealed envelopes to Harambee House, Nairobi.

Those who fail to do so by then will be officially dismissed and relieved off their duties by the state.

[caption caption="President Uhuru Kenyatta"][/caption]

“Affected officers may also be required to present themselves for oral interviews,” the statement read.

Among the information they are required to produce is their full names, KRA pin, ID number, email address, cellphone number and driving license number.

The officers are also expected to submit certified copies of their bank statements and mobile money transactions for the last six months, including the same details for their spouses.

Other details include social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

They have also been directed to reveal all the physical and monetary assets that they own or have interest in ie stocks, machinery, vehicles and shares.

The circular sent to all clerks of the National assembly and Senate, Controller of Budget, Registrar of Judiciary, Auditor General, NIS Director General and Independent Offices and Commissions also asks for their residential address and that of their spouses for the last five years. They are also expected to reveal the ownership status, either owned or rental.

[caption caption="Harambee House"][/caption]

The state officers are also required to state their current place of work, job group, list of previous postings, number of years served in each deployment, promotions applied for and those received.

Kinyua also stated that none of the officers should leave the country without clearance from him until the vetting process is over.

“This exercise is geared towards determining sustainability to continue holding public office in the public trust and promote confidence in the public service. It will be carried out in a fair and objective manner in regards to the officers’ rights,” he indicated.