Oprah Winfrey Won't Accompany Barack Obama to Kenya

Former United States of America President Barack Obama will travel to Kenya next month but he won't be accompanied by media mogul Oprah Winfrey as media reports had earlier indicated.

According to Obama's Spokesperson who spoke to CNN, Oprah will not be part of the delegation which will later head to South Africa where she has a school for girls.

"But it's not accurate that Oprah will go (Just want to be clear on that, since it's been a widely circulated rumor.)," an email from Obama's spokesperson read in part.

The Spokesperson also stated that she wasn't sure about the attendees on the trip and since Obama is now a private citizen, such information was not going to be shared.

[caption caption="President Obama awarding media mogul Oprah Winfrey with the Presidential Medal Of Freedom"][/caption]

Obama will visit Kenya from July 15-16, where he'll attend the inauguration of a youth sports centre founded by his sister, Auma Obama.

The vocational centre in Siaya County was opened to provide educational and economic opportunities to help young people serve their communities, and shares a similar mission as the former President's Obama Foundation.

Auma who spoke on the aims of the centre stated: "Given that his own mission under the Obama Foundation is to inspire and empower people to change the world, his attendance at this event at our ancestral home, where our father was laid to rest, is of great significance to me." 

While in Kenya, Obama will meet with the President, Uhuru Kenyatta, and Opposition leader Raila Odinga who have since buried the hatchet and agreed to work together.

"President Obama looks forward to meeting these emerging leaders for the first time, hearing about the extraordinary work they are doing across Africa, and discussing how the Obama Foundation can support their civic leadership development," his office stated.

[caption caption="President Obama embraces his sister Auma while President Kenyatta watches"][/caption]

In South Africa, Obama will meet with President Cyril Ramaphosa and also speak at an event in honor of Nelson Mandela's birthday in Johannesburg.